This website is edited by a former Lincoln's Inn Solicitor. Its contents relate to Libel, Conflict of Laws, State Immunity plus Equality of Arms in a foreign jurisdiction.

Nordmenn har mest tilfeldig sex

Sex toys replace Tupperware

Times have changed and Norwegian women seem fully liberated - how else to explain the success of the 'Condomery' (Kondomeriet), a "girl"-run business that has expanded operations to include home parties.

The Condomery is now fully run by women, which they feel might give them an edge in the male-dominated sex industry - since they have a better sense of how to keep a presentation of merchandise on the tasteful side of the slippery line towards vulgarity.
The Condomery stocks more than an inventive range of male contraceptives, also offering oils, creams, sexy underwear and a range of toys and aids for men and women.

The concept has steadily grown in popularity in Norway, and as the average browser becomes more comfortable with the store's range, the girls behind the business have taken their shop on the road and into private homes.

The new home party is really just the evolution of the classic Tupperware evening.

"Many of us have had home demos of everything from make-up to plastic bowls. The principle is the same, but the products our consultants bring home to you are maybe a bit more exciting?" says Therese Warner, who heads the company's home party project.

Warner says that the atmosphere at these get-togethers is often giddy as a variety of toys, lubricants, and other fun items are passed around for the participants to examine.

Warner explains that they have used their 13 years of experience in the business to train consultants to make their presentations serious and educational, while at the same time positive and entertaining.

"Our 65 consultants have long waiting lists, with women of all ages who want to shop for sex toys in their living rooms," Warner said.

Since the service started in August this year turnover has increased by a factor of ten, and Warner expects to have 200 consultants ready to visit homes across the country in 2003.

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Jonathan Tisdall