Erotic, exotic and highly psychotic episodes on the long and winding road to Anders Behring Breivik
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This website is edited by a former Lincoln's Inn Solicitor. Its contents relate to Libel, Conflict of Laws, State Immunity plus Equality of Arms in a foreign jurisdiction.
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Dr Terry Hathaway (pictured) is a lecturer at the Norwegian Study Centre which is part of the University of York.
The Centre was created, we are told, by the Norwegian government. Dr Hathaway is extremely keen to point out on Twitter that Frederick Delaware's book is not worth looking at, when he says:
'Flicking through this book, it is definitely a case of "Everyone has a book in them but in most cases that's where it should stay" '.
If so then why not just keep quiet?
The book, in fact, is very critical of Dr Hathaway's paymasters: the Norwegian government - and also exposes the very partisan legal system in Norway and is written by a London solicitor.
Presumably Dr Hathaway condones emails directed at the solicitor such as: 'Go fuck Allah the camel' and 'When you eat pigs do you lick the pig's arsehole clean before digging in?'
Well Dr Hathaway if you want to review a book read the whole thing and don't just 'flick' through it. What an ********! We guess the Norwegian government put you up to your stunt, eh?'