"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"
Martin Luther King 1929 - 1968 American civil rights leader
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Another raw slice of Norwegian life
Karl Ove Knausgard writes about his masturbation, his sexual indiscretions, his professional jealousy, his wild drunken excesses, all revealed with tortured self loathing
London Evening Standard 18 February 2016

Gloom with a view; Norway
By Roland White - Sunday Times 7th May 1995

Norway finds it's fun out in the cold
By Tony Samstag - Sunday Times 11th June 1995
Chief of Police exposed online
Oppland Arbeiderblad - 20 September 2011
Online harassment
Oppland Arbeiderblad - 21 September 2011
6,000 Norwegian men fought for Hitler
The Guardian, 3 May 2014
Ex-Vietnam protester to head Nato
The Times , 29 March 2014
Terror in Norway
The Times , 23 July 2011
Minaret myths
New Statesman, 1 August 2011
Norway's tragedy...
The Guardian, 25 July 2011
Anders Breivik - How a murderer became an icon
New Statesman, 24-30 August 2012
Anders Breivik's Unfinished War
Newsweek 22 April 2016
A 'war' started by the Norwegian establishment and finished beyond expectation by Anders Breivik
Breivik wins case against Norway over his human rights
The Guardian 21 April 2016
Breivik ready for girlfriend visits after court win
The Times 21 April 2016
The Scream
Daily Mail. 4th May 2012 ...
"Munch had lived in Norway during the troubled 1890's. It was a generation which had seen the collapse of religion, and the growth, among intellectuals, of the idea that life was empty, pointless and horrible."
The chair man
Sex obsessed Norwegian artist Bjarne Melgaard - the self-confessed 'worn-out faggot'
Evening Standard 23 January 2014
Nordic aupairs ...
The Sunday Telegraph , 29 October 1995
The Vikings - the most barbaric race ever? PART 1
Daily Mail April 19th 2003
The Vikings - the most barbaric race ever? PART 2
Daily Mail April 19th 2003
Faerre aborter i 1994
ABORTER i 2001
Feminister raser mot porno-messe
Nordmenn har mest tilfeldig sex
Halvparten bruker ikke kondom
Kvinner kan vaksineres mot kjønnssykdommer
Sex toys replace Tupperware
Shock, sorrow and soul-searching follow ex-minister's death
Law firm caught up in Toenne tragedy
'Coincidence' that New Year's speeches both addressed bullying
Nordmenn gjør det i fylla
New sex survey planned
En dildo uten begjær
Queen tells girls to fight sex pressure
Bosses prefer strip clubs
First to choose chemical castration
Litt mindre skråsikkerhet, takk
Norwegian women breastfeeding like never before
Annual graduation debauchery looms
More babies have unmarried parents
More Horror stories emerge from childrens' institutions
Orphanage scandal continues to grow
Norway world leader in casual sex
Norwegians least religious in Europe
Sex hot line calls worry operators
Norwegian women demand good sex
Imams anger Bondevik
Suicide rate drops, but still 'too high'
Graduating 'russ' in new porno shock
Sex merit badge on offer
Psychiatric problems plague one in four Norwegians
Girls on drugs
On May 17th 2006 - Norwegian National Day -
Drammens Tidende make The Times of London
in 'own goal' referee story.
Young women opt for abortion
Soaring suicide rate
Women to blame
Julian Assange and his Swedish Ladies
Coach denies sexual harassment charges
Drapstrusler mot Berit Riise
- Kan aldri forhindre utbrudd på direkten
- Sex-påstandene kan gi to års fengsel
Norwegian Ex - Prime Minister, Mrs Brundtland's sadness
Who Wants to be a Norwegian?
London Evening Standard - 12th March 1999
Visit Norway where you can kill a seal for £110
Daily Mail, October 4th 2004
Norwegian 'rape' liar goes to jail
Daily Express, Tuesday June 7th 2005
Daily Mail Tuesday June 7th 2005
Daily Mirror, Wednesday, June 8th, 2005
One-night stand liar exposed..by her mother
Daily Mirror, 8th June 2005
Daily Mirror, 9th June 2005
Daily Mirror, Friday,10th June 2005
The Sun, Friday, June 10th, 2005
Norwegian Ingrid Tarrant exposed as a liar in court when using words to describe a police officer as a 'psycho, out of control'.
Daily Mail, 17th July 2009
The German "whore" children
Sleeping with the enemy
The Independent on Sunday February 2nd 2003
Norway finally forgives women who slept with Hitler's soldiers
The Daily Telegraph, Thursday October 27th 2005
I've Bedded 227 Girls
(Norway to Treat a Lady)
The Sun - Monday April 27th 1998
Remorseless and baffling, Breivik's testimony leaves Norway no wiser
The Guardian 18 April 2012
Breivik: I perfected my shooting skills playing video games for 16 hours a day
Daily Mail 20 April 2012
Don't ridicule me, killer Breivic tells prosecutor
Evening Standard 18 April 2012
I fled Breivik after he shot me four times
Evening Standard 16 May 2012
Inside the Mind of Anders Breivik
The Independant 16 April 2012
Sentence me to death or set me free: Breivik pleads with court
The Independent 19 April 2012
They were not innocent. I acted in defence of my culture. I would do it again
The Daily Telegraph 18 April 2012
Execute me or set me free, Breivik tells Norway court
The Guardian 19 April 2012
Breivic planned to film beheading of former MP
The Guardian 20 April 2012
Breivik is a terrorist, so why treat him like a chancellor?
The Guardian 21 April 2012
I was inspired by al-Qaeda to expand boundaries of terror, Breivik tells court
The Times 18 April 2012
Breivik reveals plot for beheading labour leader
The Times 20 April 2012
Calm Breivik tells brutal story of his cold-blooded murder spree
The Times 21 April 2012
I abominate the Charlie Hebdo murderers. I also believe the magazine's malign and bigoted
Daily mail 15 January 2005
Poisoned Briton 'Got too Greedy'
Evening Standard 16 April 2012
Breivik pleads 'self-defence' over massacre
The Independent 17 April 2012
All the voices in my head told me not to do it
the Independent 21 April 2012
The most shocking thing about Anders Behring Breivik?
New Stateman 23 April 2012
Breivik defiant as massacre trial opens
The Guardian 17 April 2012
Breivik impassive as court hears desperate phone call from Utøya
The Times 17 April 2012
The Times 19 April 2012
Twitter and facebook 'allowing Islamophobia to flourish'
The Independent 3 January 2015