This website is edited by a former Lincoln's Inn Solicitor. Its contents relate to Libel, Conflict of Laws, State Immunity plus Equality of Arms in a foreign jurisdiction.

Hate-crime complaint enquiry from Lincoln's Inn Law firm dismissed with barely concealed contempt by Ministry of Justice in Norway


The Times - 27th December 1990


William Nygaard, Norwegian publisher and translator of Salman Rushdie's book, 'The Satanic Verses' pictured above on British television in October 2000.

On the programme William Nygaard proclaimed that it was his moral duty to publish 'The Satanic Verses'. The former British Foreign Secretary, Lord Howe, on the same programme described 'The Satanic Verses' as being "utterly perverse and offensive to Muslims".

For a strict definition of the "Satanic Verses" refer to The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam (Third Edition) by Cyril Glassé

Prince refused to back Rushdie over fatwa death threats

Daily Mail 15 April 2014.


Rushdie's vanity and why Prince Charles was RIGHT not to support him during the fatwa

Daily Mail 16 April 2014.




Blir ikke kvitt sex-gal engelskmann

Oppdatert 25. februar 2003








 Tuesday 17 December 2002

Supreme Court acquits neo-Nazi charged with racist remarks

A Norwegian neo-Nazi who unleashed a stream of Nazi rhetoric during a demonstration two years ago did not violate a key law meant to fight racism. Norway's Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the neo-Nazi's claims are protected by other laws guaranteeing freedom of expression.


Terje Sjoelie, former leader of the white supremacist group called "Boot Boys," had been convicted of violating Norway's so-called "anti-racism paragraph" when he launched an anti-Jewish and anti-immigrant tirade.

The right-wing extremist had claimed during a public demonstration that, roughly translated, "every day, our people are being plundered and destroyed by Jews who suck our land empty of wealth and replace it with immoral and un-Norwegian thoughts."

He also claimed that "immigrants rob, rape and kill Norwegians every day."

A lower court ruled that his claims violated Norway's anti-racism law. It calls for fines or a jail term of up to two years for those who make claims that spread hate or make threats against others on the basis of religion, race, skin color or national or ethnic background.

The Supreme Court disagreed. A majority of 11 high court judges determined that Sjoelie's remarks weren't punishable. They noted that the remarks didn't contain any concrete threats.

The head of Norway's Anti-Racism Center, Nadeem Butt, was shocked by the decision. She equated it to an attack on the rights of minorities in Norway.

"The majority didn't even consider how offensive the claim was for Norwegian Jews," she said, regretting that since neo-Nazi groups are legal, the court rules their propaganda is, too.

She claimed the court decision "has moved the barriers" for how offensive people can be against ethnic groups in Norway.

Aftenposten English Web Desk

Nina Berglund




Al-Qaida stops Norwegian garage

Employees at an Oslo building firm were so shocked and outraged by the Al-Qaida threats against Norway that they have refused to carry out assignments for Muslims. One customer, born and raised in Norway, has had his plans to build a garage derailed, newspaper VG reports.

You are probably a Muslim and after the recent Muslim terror threats none of my employees want to work for Muslims," read the letter sent by company head Olav Oeye.

The letter arrived the day after the terror threats, and while the 27-year-old Muslim was waiting for Oeye's firm to deliver a price after surveying the plot for the garage.

"I had an offer from Grimstad Garages. In the offer they gave the names of three contractors who I could call to build the foundation. Olav Oeye Inc. said they could come Saturday at 11 am," the man told VG.

"I could hardly believe what I was reading. I am just as Norwegian as others, even if I have brown skin and have another religion. I have never had my feelings hurt so badly before," the ex-customer said. He will now charge Olav Oeye Inc. with religious discrimination and promises legal action.

"The garage will get built anyway but now it has become an important matter of principle for me to pursue this. My Norwegian friends are the most shocked," the Norwegian-Pakistani said.

Olav Oeye remains unrepentant, and is not swayed by the argument that the 27-year-old is born and raised in Norway.

"After reading the papers and listening to the radio it wasn't amusing thinking about working for Muslims. WE have it a few times before and there are always problems with the bill. No, why should I (regret) it? I am retired and have five or six employed who do what I want," Oeye said.

Lawyer Abid Q. Raja said he had never heard such a clear case of religious harassment and, according to VG, nearly began to laugh when he heard the contents of the letter.

"This must be the most unprofessional firm in Norway. But it also indicates that there are very many who have similar opinions in Norway but are not brave enough to say so," Raja said, and said the letter clearly violates the law.

The National Association of the Building Industry also expressed shock and said they would consider reactions if Oeye Inc. was a member, but did not believe they had the jurisdiction to exclude the company.

"This is so odd that our ethical rules don't cover it. It is irrelevant if a prospective client is a Muslim or not, regardless of threats to Norway. This is completely unreasonable. It is just not on," said Association director Odd Trender to VG.


Thursday 05 November 2003

Bishop critical of minister's advice to Islam

Oslo's bishop, Gunnar Staalsett has warned Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Erna Solberg of the dangers of criticizing Islam after she told Norway's Muslims that they should modernize their religion. Staalsett fears that the statement will create a warped view of Islam.



Cabinet Minister Erna Solberg

"There is naturally a need for reform in all religious communities, but an initiative from the government sounds a special note," Staalsett told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).

Staalsett is concerned that the minister's remarks can cause provide a mistaken image of Islam as a whole.

"One should be very careful about portraying a religion from its worst sides," Staalsett said.

Aftenposten English Web Desk
Jonathan Tisdall


8th November 2003

Facing Mecca frightens pious villagers

Residents of Bykle, population 864, are reportedly deeply troubled that their new church, currently under construction, faces Islam's holy city of Mecca. Fear of the anti-Christ runs through the town, newspaper Faedrelandsvennen reports.

The old church in Bykle lay east-west with its entrance from the west. The new church points southeast. Hallvard Gjerden, 64, of the Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM) was one of the first to make a connection.

"The church is facing directly towards Mecca - to the millimeter. I've checked," Gjerden told the newspaper.

"People fear that the Muslims will seize the church and use it as a mosque. You don't dare write this, but the mosques are the church's greatest enemy. The Muslims want to conquer the earth and kill Christians," Gjerden said.

The head of the building commission for Bykle church, Tor Mosdoel, was only amused by Gjerden's theories.

"This is just something people have made up," said Mosdoel, who has no fear of Muslims whatsoever. "The church had to have a northern entrance because the building site gave us no choice," he said.


Aftenposten English Web Desk
Jonathan Tisdall





Drunk Norwegian tourists nearly lynched in Egypt

Aftenposten .no 5th May 2006 9th November 2007 14th January 2008



Muslims march over cartoons of the Prophet

The Daily Telegraph, Friday November 4th 2005


Denmark faces international boycott over Muslim cartoons

The Times, Tuesday, January 31st 2006


Something Rotten in the State of Denmark

Q News, February 2006 issue


A free society must respect all its religions

From the New York President of the World Jewish Congress
The Times, Wednesday February 1st 2006


'Christian' Norwegian Muslim-hater Anders Behring Breivik
slaughters his own people on 22 July 2011.


Terror in Norway

The Times , 23 July 2011


Minaret myths

New Statesman, 1 August 2011

Norway's tragedy...

The Guardian, 25 July 2011


Cartoonist shrugs at Islamic death threat

The Times, September 17th 2007


The 'Muslim man'

Vergeløs mot 13 års forfølgelse

Bergens Tidende - 24th May 1995

English Translation

This article from 1995 is in Norwegian but reference is made 19 times to the 'Muslim man', associating him with sexual perversion and mental illness. The woman interviewed is in fact a mental patient herself having been treated at the BSS Psychiatric Clinic near Drammen.

The 'Muslim man' story continued:-


13 års SEX-terror

VG - 26th May 1995

English Translation


Trakassert og forfulgt i 13 år

Drammens Tidende - 27th May 1995

English Translation


Blir ikke kvitt sex-gal engelskmann

Verdens Gang - 7th July 1998

English Translation


Sex-trakassert i 16 år

Drammens Tidende - 14th July 1998

English Translation


Haper statsadvokaten kan stoppe marerittet

Drammens Tidende - 5th October 1998

English Translation


Trakassert og forfulgt - saken stilles i bero

Drammens Tidende - 8th December 1998

English Translation


Kom for a kreve penger - ble bøtelagt

Drammens Tidende - 26th August 2000

English Translation


Bot for grov sexterror

Drammens Tidende - 16th November 2001

English Translation



English Translation



Conversation between plaintiff and journalist
Mrs Reidun J. Samuelsen on 10th April 2002.


Bristisk Muslim Sjikanerer norsk kvinne pa nettet

Aftenposten - 15th April 2002

English Translation


Slik kan nettsjikane stanses

Aftenposten - 15th April 2002

English Translation


Saksøker pågrepet i retten

Drammens Tidende 26th October 2003

English Translation


Forkastet ærekrenkelse-anke

Drammens Tidende 18th November 2003

English Translation


Sexjages av gal brite

Dagbladet, 20th December 2005

English Translation


Jaget av SEX-GAL mann i 23 år

Dagbladet, 21st December 2005

English Translation



Emails received in response from Norway



Fortsetter trakassering av politikvinne

11th January 2006

English Translation


Engelskmann sjikanerer politikvinne 13th June 2006

English Translation


Sjikanerer politikvinne 14th June 2006

English Translation


Bardot fined yet again for inciting racial hatred of Muslims

The Independent 11th June 2004