This website is edited by a former Lincoln's Inn Solicitor. Its contents relate to Libel, Conflict of Laws, State Immunity plus Equality of Arms in a foreign jurisdiction.

Hate-crime complaint enquiry from Lincoln's Inn Law firm dismissed with barely concealed contempt by Ministry of Justice in Norway

(Published in Eiker Bladet 11.01.06)

Continuing the harassment of policewoman

By Roy Hansen, 11.01.06

Briton [ ........................] is continuing his harassment of Norwegian women. After having harassed Heidi Schøne from Solbergelva for years, he is now attacking police inspector Torill Sorte at Nedre Eiker police station.

The Briton has continued his smear-campaign against police inspector Torill Sorte at Nedre Eiker police station through a series of “contributions” made recently to Drammens Tidende's Internet pages. This takes the form of among other things him posting links to an Internet page he was ordered to remove from the Internet as recently as 17 October 2003 . DT's Internet head Lars Lager Espevalen is now promising that they will monitor their pages more closely in order to delete undesirable contributions as soon as possible.

“The man has plagued Heidi Schøne and her family since 1982, and it has proved very difficult to stop him,” says Torill Sorte. In 2003, she led the investigation in the case which ended in a two year suspended sentence and a fine for severe harassment in Eiker, Modum and Sigdal district court. Since then, the Muslim man has also made the police investigator the object of his hatred.

Sent faxes

A number of public bodies, newspapers and media organizations as well as private businesses have received faxes from the man about her involvement in the case, and what he writes about her is not very flattering. “I deal with it and know that I did not do anything wrong in the matter. Not even an internal inquiry revealed anything wrong,” says Sorte.

She nevertheless takes the harassment through DT's Internet pages seriously because they are easily accessible and owing to the fact that the man was ordered to remove the pages from the Internet. Harassment is moreover a growing problem in society, and Nedre Eiker is no exception.

Difficult cases

“Harassment cases are difficult cases because it takes a lot for us to be able to bring a prosecution. As a rule, the harassment occurs when relationships break down and, even though we can impose fines, this rarely helps,” she says. Nedre Eiker police station handles 25-30 such cases a year on average, but few are as serious as the case against the Briton.

“There are several forms of harassment, and if, for example, it is a spurned husband who is sending text messages to his ex, it rarely stops even though fines are imposed. On the other hand, if it is a question of defamation and annoying behaviour which involves a number of people, it is a little easier to get a sanction imposed,” says Torill Sorte.

Raising the issue

She now wants to raise the issue of harassment against herself with the administration of Southern Buskerud Police District. Last summer, the Briton sent a fax to the police directorate, and this was forwarded to her through official channels for comment. Even though she says that it is not bothering her personally, Torill Sorte does not want this matter to be allowed to develop. We also understand that an initiative has been put before the justice department aimed at having the legislation in this area changed.

“The man is obviously mentally unstable and must be putting an incredible amount of time and energy, not to mention money, into harassing Heidi Schøne and the undersigned, in addition to some other women we know about. Unfortunately, the laws are such that we cannot apply for him to be extradited for further criminal prosecution,” says Sorte.